A Yoni Steam Set provides gentle and effective support for women’s wellness. It is an age-old practice, respected by women and holistic healers around the globe.
This woman’s uses steam herbs to gently and effectively clean, tone, and revitalize your center. It provides benefits from reduced menstrual cramps to increased fertility.
It also supports one’s natural feminine cycle which helps you to heal, relax, and detoxify both physically and emotionally.
What is Yoni Steaming? Y oni steaming is a powerful ancient self-care practice used by women worldwide to support deep wellness, women’s wisdom, herbal medicine, and feminine power. Yoni steams, also referred to as V steams, vaginal steams, pelvic steams, chai-yok, or bajo’s, are a part of ancient womanly healing arts that are becoming popular again. Yoni steams are holistic self-care practices in which a woman allows the warmth of herbal steam to permeate the exterior of her vagina gently. Yoni steams are part of the Maya healing lineage and used mainly to cleanse the uterus when there are menstrual difficulties, after birth, and with menopause to completely clean the womb when finished bleeding. They are popular in Central America, India, eastern Europe, and in Korea, where women commonly incorporate them as part of their self-care routines.
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